The Rock is Love: Misc. Musings & Fun

All that other fun stuff...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My Whack at Gospel

Ok, folks, I don't know why, but this evening, just before my Messianic Jewish dancing class, God put a gospel style song in my head whilst I was FINALLY taking my one and only (very quick) chance at having a shower this evening. Due to recent events, erm, uh, well, I'm not gonna say when I had my last shower previous to this one! Anyhow, I was contemplating recent events, and well, here's the dramatic version of what went on in my head... (Yes, I'm a shower singer, not just a car-radio singer ;p)

*Clears her throat*

"Imagine that you are down south, just messin' around with your friends while doing choir practice for church... You are any race you like, but the style is, of course, black southern gospel. Then one of you realizes that you are all already Spiritually Naked as the day you were Born, and so it makes NO difference how big of fools you make outta yourselves! After all, it IS just practice, right??? And so, at first, just a few of you start reminiscing about what you'd REALLY LIKE to do right now... One says "Sing!" Another "Dance!" And a third chimes in "Shout!" One of the older men in the back row exclaimes "Halleluyah! Praise the Lord!" And then the woman at the piano cuts loose with a lively, fast paced tune where the words just flow out on their own..."

Now, I WISH I could upload the nicely hand-written music mom helped me write when I came to her with the tune and words. Alas, I can only post the words right now, with the letters of the piano keys above them. Sorry, it's the best I can do at the moment. I wish I were enough of a musician to have some idea what the beat actually is (is it 3/4? 4/4? 4/8? I have no idea). Also, please be aware that this needs some work on my part tomorrow. Somehow, some of these notes don't look right to me, but it's really late, and I can't go peck them out on the piano just yet to make sure this is all right. So, I'm kinda posting this here for now just to give you an idea of what it kinda sorta maybe sounds like ;) Also, please note that these are NOT necessarily "chords" per say, at least I don't know for sure that they are. Heh - have fun with that, all you "play by ear" chord playing geniouses! In reality, they are just the names of the single piano keys mom and I pecked out tonight. Also, please know that the underscores don't mean anything - they are just space-bar place holders, 'cause even this Blog tool doesn't allow double spaces (grrr). And, one more note: This looks MUCH better when it's viewed in a plain text editor such as NotePad.

I Need to Sing!

A A____G__F___ (clap clap) A A____G__F_____ (clap clap)
I need to sing!___________ I need to dance!

A A____G__F____ (clap) C__D__AGF
I need to shout.______ Halleluyah!

G G____F___G____ G_____ F_____ B_____ A__ F
I need to: Sing! Dance! Shout! Praise the Lord!

2nd Verse

G___ G___ F E_____ (clap clap) G__G___G_____G__F__ E____ (clap clap)
I've been Redeemed___________ By-the-blood-of-the Lamb!

G___ G___ F E_____ (clap) C__D__AGF
I've been Redeemed.______ Halleluyah!

G G___ F__ G____ G_____ F______ B_____ A__ F
I need to: Sing! Dance! Shout! Praise the Lord!

Third verse, ending it with lots of southern flair on the added ending...

A A____G__F___ (clap clap) A A____G__F_____ (clap clap)
I need to sing!___________ I need to dance!

A A____G__F____ (clap) C__D__AGF
I need to shout.______ Halleluyah!

G G____F___G____ G_____ F_____ B_____ A__ F
I need to: Sing! Dance! Shout! Praise the Lord!

G__G_____F______ G_________ G___________ F
I__need__to:____ Sing!_____ Dance!______ Shout!

(Lot's of piano antics right here.)

B________________ A____________ F
Praise___________ the__________ L o r d!!!!!!!!!!

(More piano antics right here, and some young woman in the front who looses her mind and just can't for the life of her shut up - not that she should ;p)