The Rock is Love: Misc. Musings & Fun

All that other fun stuff...

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Dear Blogger II

Honestly, Blogger, I know you are a free service, and I'm getting what I paid for. But isn't there such a thing as internet pride? I do NOT feel proud here at all. I just spent all night making up for the fact that...

1) You don't allow Bloggers who aren't using their own servers to have any control over the PHP.
2) Your pages don't do tables.
3) You don't have catagories or subcatagories, nor customizable (see #1) RSS feed tags that a person can use to hook up all the different blogs they had to create because you don't have catagoires in the first place.
4) You just AREN'T pMachine. I wish I had the mula for such a thing. Now we're both embaressed.

I've done my level-headed best. I'm seriousely considering using the simple PHP blog thingamajig I just downloaded from Perhaps I'll have better luck with that. At least that would be customizeable. Blogger, I know you do a LOT for those of us who aren't paying you a dime. But I don't know. I think I'm embaressed for you, that you haven't fixed these basic bugs/problems. What else can I say? That I'm happy about these bugs? I'm not. I'm glad for the free journalling and stuff. Don't get me wrong, but I'm just not thrilled with the bugs. I wish you'd come out with some smashing new templates, new tags that are customizable from the Settings Tab in my Blogger account, and please, fix the trouble with the tables, or at least tell us, the users, how to deal with that issue. It truly IS annoying. I'll give you this - you're still better than any other free blogging service out there, especially as far as the templates go. The other blog services are just dorky.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Posts in the Making

Okely-dokely... It's 3:59 AM, and I've had yet another brainstorm for something I want to write here, at a time when I'm way too tired to actually write it! So, I'm just gonna make a list...

Feasts of the Lord Info
Messianic-Jewish Wedding Info
It's OK to be Wrong - The GodFactor